Sunday, June 14, 2020

Books البحث عن الذات Download Free

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Title:البحث عن الذات
Author:أنور السادات
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 455 pages
Published:1998 by المكتب المصري الحديث (first published January 1st 1977)
Categories:Biography. History. Politics. Nonfiction
Books البحث عن الذات  Download Free
البحث عن الذات Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 455 pages
Rating: 3.74 | 3347 Users | 310 Reviews

Chronicle Toward Books البحث عن الذات

"العسل وصل... بعلن المنادي أزقة وساحات القرية... وتهرع جدتي وأنا أمسك بيدها وأسير إلى جوارها نحو الترعة حيث رست مركب العسل القادمة إلى (كفر زرقان) المجاورة لنا... ونشتري زلعة العسل الأسود ونعود إلى دارنا... أسير خلف جدتي صبياً أسمر ضئيل الجسم حافي القدمين يرتدي جلباباً تحته قميص أبيض من البغتة... لا تفارق عينيه زلعة العسل... ذلك الكنز الذي استطعنا الحصول عليه أخيراً...".
تلك بداية سيرة صبي قدر له أن يلعب دوراً سياسياً مميزاً في حياة الشعب المصري تحديداً وفي حياة شعوب الشرق الأوسط على وجه العموم. أنور السادات، فلاح نشأ وتربى على ضفاف النيل حيث شهد الإنسان مولد الزمان.

وهو يروي في هذا الكتاب تفاصيل حياته، والتي هي في نفس الوقت قصة حياة مصر منذ 1918. هكذا شاء القدر. فقد واكبت أحداث حياته الأحداث التي عاشتها مصر في تلك الفترة من تاريخها، ولذلك فالسادات يروي القصة كاملة لا كرئيس لجمهورية مصر العربية، بل كمصري ارتبطت حياته بحياة مصر ارتباطاً عضوياً منذ بداياته إلى نهاياتها. وهو يقول بأن كل خطوة خطاها عبر السنين إنما كانت من أجل مصر والحق والحرية والسلام. وتجدر الإشارة أنه وإلى جانب سيرة حياة الرئيس أنور السادات، تضمن الكتاب أيضاً وثائق سرية للغاية

Present Books Supposing البحث عن الذات

Original Title: البحث عن الذات
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Setting: Egypt

Rating Appertaining To Books البحث عن الذات
Ratings: 3.74 From 3347 Users | 310 Reviews

Criticize Appertaining To Books البحث عن الذات
Anwar el-Sadat is a commanding figure in the Arab-Israeli peace process. In this book, Sadat explored his vision for Egypt and fleshed out his Egypt-first mentality. Sadly, only recently have many Arab countries seen Sadat's wisdom. He was able to successfully negotiate a settlement for the Palestinian issue, but his efforts were wasted. While a lukewarm peace exists between Israel and Egypt, the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians continues with no end in sight.

I rarely read autobiographies; they tend to be showcases for the subject, with little concern for the truth. However, this one is different. Partly because its a mix of personal and political memoir, but mostly because the author was fundamentally honest. That is, he was as honest as any man placed in a position of power and probably more so than most in that situation. For those who are unaware of the man, he was the President of Egypt (for those Americans who believe the world ceases to exist

I did not know much about the people or history before I read this book. I was impressed with a different point of view of the Arab/Israeli conflict than I usually see from. Sadat was really a very different kind of leader than most in that part of the world.That is not to say, I love/endorse everything he did and said. He was a terrorist in his youth, and as a young leader favored dictatorship. But, given where he was coming from I think he was exceptional. He was eventually assassinated for


This is an autobiography of Anwar el-Saddat, the former president of Egypt. He was influential in the revolution that kicked England out of Egypt.Things that were interestingthe formation of his identity as a child while listening to songs and stories about Egyptian martyrs from his mother, the shaping of his soul during time in solitary confinement in prison.I was not interested inpolitics, who did what, etc (quite a bit of the book).I became more interested in the book when I discovered that

One of the best books i ve ever read

Being an autobiography for a book is a question and a negative side for me because you can never know how objective it is. But still it was a great book for me who doesn't have much knowledge about middle East. And after reading his speech to Israeli Knesset on Nov 1977 I couldn't give less than what is my review.


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