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Download Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1) Books For Free Online

Download Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1) Books For Free Online
Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1) Paperback | Pages: 448 pages
Rating: 4.51 | 455 Users | 142 Reviews

Define Books During Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1)

ISBN: 0141339772 (ISBN13: 9780141339771)
Edition Language: English
Series: Keeper of the Realms #1

Representaion In Favor Of Books Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1)

Oh my word, I was on a fantasy and action rollercoaster whilst reading this book. After one chapter,we had already met a big black masked ' monster', who has what he calls Shades working for him (shadows) that do his will, sliding under door frames etc,and a green skinned race called Treman who live in what seems to be a fantasy land that you can access via steps down a cliff called Bellania.
Charlie Keeper is a girl who has lost her parents and lives with her grandma in her large family home. Mr Crow who is her lawyer, is a nasty, horrible, selfish man who brutally bullies her into handing over her money/inheritance by convincing her that it is for bills and things that NEED paying.He is a thief and she knows it but no matter who she tells, no one would believe her.
Charlie is visited by one of the afore mentioned green skinned Tremans called Jenson who leads her to another world (Bellania), a fantasy, magical world that Jenson guides her to through doors and corridors that she never knew existed in her house.
Charlie soon learns that she is a Keeper of the Realms, the realms between Bellania and the human world.She is in charge of the portal. The evil monster Bane, is after Charlie, and her pendant that she keeps around her neck not realising it is full of magic and power.She believes it is a precious gift given to her by her parents. Charlie must learn very fast her new responsibilities and power. Charlie also learns that her parents are still around, kept in a tapestry on the wall in evil Banes castle. She needs to help Bellania and try and free her parents.

Marcus Alexander has one heck of an imagination with non stop fast paced action and some well thought out characters.The evil guys in the book feel cold, nasty and just down right bad.Very clever of Marcus to bring these characters jumping right off the page and straight to the reader.You could feel the atmosphere throughout this book.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat and I found it very hard to put down.
A lot of adult fantasy/fiction books could learn from Marcus's style of writing. Crows Revenge is very well written, with well crafted characters and a climatic finish.

I wholly recommend this book to anyone who is thinking of giving it a go.It is aimed at young adults but I very much enjoyed it and couldn't wait to see what was on the other side of the page.It was so very unpredictable,surprising and full of intricate detail. A strong female lead was also a nice surprise which worked very well. A must read.

I received this book free from Goodreads First reads.

Details About Books Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1)

Title:Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1)
Author:Marcus Alexander
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 448 pages
Published:February 2nd 2012 by Puffin Books (first published June 17th 2008)
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Magic. Fiction. Family. Urban Fantasy

Rating About Books Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1)
Ratings: 4.51 From 455 Users | 142 Reviews

Crit About Books Crow's Revenge (Keeper of the Realms #1)
Where do I start with this book? It's amazing with a good plot, awesome characters and good use of emotions. You think of any emotion and it will be there. This is by far the best fantasy novel that has been published since Percy jackson and the Lightning Thief. Like the other two fantasy books I mentioned, this would make a good film and by the look of things, with a sequel coming up this will probably replace Harry Potter and will become the next great fantasy series. To conclude,this review,

Charlie Keepers life is as unpleasant as an iniccont ,ill-fated person stuck in a rat infested jail. The girls loving,caring parents are mysteriously lost and she is brutally forced to live with the black hearted lawyer called Mr Crow, who beats her like a broken rag doll and abuses his power(more than anyone could imagine ). Luckily, she escapes to a magical land called Bellania -however this is no fairytale. There is a giant monster on the loose scary enough to give even the bravest of people

This book literally hooks you in. and I mean literally. once you have started you just can't stop. Charlie keeper takes you with her to the land of Bellania and it is as if you are there talking with her. Marcus has an amazing imagination. I felt as though I was with Charlie and once I finished the book, I started reading it again. I'm half way through the second time I've read it, and even though I have read it before every thing that happened came, again, as a surprise. I will treasure this

Charlie Keeper's life is unfortunate. Bossed about like a slave, Charlie's black-hearted lawyer Mr.Crow(who is self-centred) will not reveal anything about her missing parents. Besides being badly beaten, Charlie has her one family member to think about her gran. Although her gran suffers from dementia, she's all Charlie has. Read this book and follow Charlie keeper as she travels through the land of Bellania and finds an uninvited visitor hiding in the depths of her unusual house.Do you want to

This was a very exciting and adventurous book. It is a little bit different from some other books I have read but the theme is quite similar to many of my favourite books. Charlie Keeper reminds me a little bit of myself which has led me to enjoy it even more. I recommend this book to many of my friends and family.

This book is more of a adventure book and it is really cool since it has its own planet with its own creature. The main characters in this book is about a girl and a really mean lawyer who only wants her dad's money. This girl has a dad that lives in another planet and one day she opens the door that connects her house with the other planet her dad has been living on. Then she met a lot of different creatures which would protect her until she knows where her dad has gone. I would recommend this

Absolutely adored the book! everything seemed to just flow and the story line is fabulous, don't even get me started on the characters! the way everything is described is just fantastic, not many authors are able to provide such a great book with so little description, although it did make sense to focus on the action and not many authors can do thatI just loved everything about the book keep up the good work :)


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