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Free Il nero e l'argento Books Online Download

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Original Title: Il nero e l'argento
ISBN: 8806221612 (ISBN13: 9788806221614)
Edition Language: Italian URL
Literary Awards: Europese Literatuurprijs Nominee (2015)
Free Il nero e l'argento Books Online Download
Il nero e l'argento Hardcover | Pages: 128 pages
Rating: 3.45 | 3068 Users | 415 Reviews

Identify Out Of Books Il nero e l'argento

Title:Il nero e l'argento
Author:Paolo Giordano
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Supercoralli
Pages:Pages: 128 pages
Published:May 6th 2014 by Einaudi (first published 2014)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. Italian Literature. Cultural. Italy. Contemporary. Literature. Drama. Family

Rendition Toward Books Il nero e l'argento

Questa è la storia di un amore giovane. Di una coppia felice e inesperta, spaventata di scoprire, giorno dopo giorno, le molteplici forme dell’abbandono. Perché anche le famiglie possono soffrire di solitudine, proprio come le persone. Ad accudire in silenzio tutte le incertezze, oltre a prendersi cura del loro bambino, ci ha sempre pensato la signora A. Per questo, quando arriva un male a portarsela via, si spalanca in casa un vuoto improvviso. Nora e suo marito devono ancora accorgersi che il coraggio della signora A., ormai, appartiene anche a loro.

È dentro le stanze che le famiglie crescono: strepitanti, incerte, allegre, spaventate. Giovani coppie alle prime armi, pronte ad abbracciarsi o a perdersi. Come Nora e suo marito. Ma di quelle stanze bisogna prima o poi spalancare porte e finestre, aprirsi al tempo che passa, all’aria di fuori. «A lungo andare ogni amore ha bisogno di qualcuno che lo veda e riconosca, che lo avvalori, altrimenti rischia di essere scambiato per un malinteso». È cosí che la signora A., nell'attimo stesso in cui entra in casa per occuparsi delle faccende domestiche, diventa la custode di una relazione, la bussola per orientarsi nella bonaccia e nella burrasca. Con le pantofole allineate accanto alla porta e gli scontrini esatti al centesimo, l’appropriazione indebita della cucina e i pochi tesori di una sua vita segreta, appare fin da subito solida, testarda, magica, incrollabile. «La signora A. era la sola vera testimone dell’impresa che compivamo giorno dopo giorno, la sola testimone del legame che ci univa. Senza il suo sguardo ci sentivamo in pericolo». Ci sono molti modi per raccontare una storia d’amore. Paolo Giordano ha scelto la via piú sensibile: registrare come un sismografo le scosse del quotidiano, gli slanci e i dolori, l’incapacità e il desiderio. Solo un piccolo naufragio, il primo fra i tanti che una coppia si troverà ad affrontare.

Rating Out Of Books Il nero e l'argento
Ratings: 3.45 From 3068 Users | 415 Reviews

Critique Out Of Books Il nero e l'argento
A strong 3.5 A brief account of the effects that the death of a beloved nanny had on the couple that employed her and their young son. According to the foreword, it's loosely autobiographical which serves to make it a little more (bitter)sweet, but it didn't have enough meat to really stick with me. One pet peeve: I sometimes hated the omniscient first-person narrator who would often describe Mrs. A's thoughts and feelings in a scene in which he was not present. Just let the woman tell her own

I've only read one other book by Paolo Giodano, the beautiful Solitude of Primary Numbers, which I have vague memory of since it was over 5 years ago and I failed to write a review. What I do remember is its quality, which it shares with this book, of an economy of language and length, resulting in a distillation of emotion and human connection. In this case, it is a family, brought together through the care of a woman originally hired as a nanny who becomes much more than that to the three.

This story is scarcely more than novella length and so skillfully written that I can only guess it loses nothing in its translation from the original Italian.A young, dual-career couple living in Turin, Italy are expecting their first child. When the wife is put on complete bed rest the husband hires a widowed housekeeper (Mrs. A.) to run their small household and serve as company for his wife. When the child, a boy named Emanuele is born, the woman stays on and serves the couple in the capacity

I was first introduced to the writing of Palo Giordano when I read 'The Solitude of Prime Numbers'. Though I enjoyed it, I felt it rather cold and disconnected from its emotional core. After reading 'Like Family' I have to think that this is a style or perhaps a thematic element of the author's writing.'Like Family' is a very short book, almost a novella, that is about a woman who comes into the lives of young couple to help the wife out through a difficult pregnancy. The woman who comes to help

"Of the three of us, Emmanuel is the only one who has not yet learned that nothing lasts forever when it comes to human relationships". Mrs. A had been working for a young couple and their only child, for eight years, when one day she calls and quits -says she is exhausted. Emmanuel, their son, doesn't understand. He wants to know when his 'Babette' is coming back. Nora and her physicist husband ( the nameless narrator), are also coming unplugged - worried - anxious-flustered -- they call Mrs. A

GACK!! Though short, I found it really hard to get through; quite honestly, if this wasn't my book group's book I would have put it down...even though it's only 146 pages! It all seemed a little pretentious. Near the end they were on their way to breaking up...and then suddenly they are happy and thinking of moving. As an aside, I hated the movie, "Babette's Feast" too. There is some beauty in the delicacy with which he writes, the eye on the minutiae of a stranger's life. Whew, it was hard for


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