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Download Ape and Essence Books Online

Describe Based On Books Ape and Essence

Title:Ape and Essence
Author:Aldous Huxley
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 222 pages
Published:August 25th 1992 by Ivan R. Dee Publisher (first published August 1948)
Categories:Fiction. Science Fiction. Dystopia. Classics. Literature. Philosophy. Novels
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Ape and Essence Paperback | Pages: 222 pages
Rating: 3.76 | 4604 Users | 297 Reviews

Explanation Concering Books Ape and Essence

In February 2108, the New Zealand Rediscovery Expedition reaches California at last. It is over a century since the world was devastated by nuclear war, but the blight of radioactivity and disease still gnaws away at the survivors. The expedition expects to find physical destruction but they are quite unprepared for the moral degradation they meet. Ape and Essence is Huxley's vision of the ruin of humanity, told with all his knowledge and imaginative genius.

Define Books As Ape and Essence

Original Title: Ape and Essence
ISBN: 0929587782 (ISBN13: 9780929587783)
Edition Language: English URL
Setting: Los Angeles, California,2108(United States)

Rating Based On Books Ape and Essence
Ratings: 3.76 From 4604 Users | 297 Reviews

Discuss Based On Books Ape and Essence
Though I adored Brave New World, and therefore considered myself familiar with its famous author, I had never even heard of Ape and Essence before stumbling across it on one of the dustier shelves in the local library. Never again will I make the mistake of relegating an author to the "one-book-wonder" list. This little 150 page book is so utterly bizarre, eerie, beautiful and perfect that from the very first reading it has leapt straight into my list of all-time favourites. Brave New World

Imagine, if you will, a Rod Serling adaptation of an Aldous Huxley dystopia in which Captain Kirk falls in love/lust with a fetching victim of an oppressive Satanic society in which women are viewed as the "vessels" of all the filth and monstrosities of a post-apocalyptic world. Imagine it set in the remains of Los Angeles, which is viewed through the lens of a New Zealander, in turn viewed through the lens of two movie industry employees reading a dead misanthrope's script. Yeah, it is that

Aldous Huxley is somewhat of an acquired literary taste-- I never cared for "Brave new World" as much as many of my compatriots. But I felt I finally owed myself to read this after promising to do so for decades. "Ape and Essence" has been called Huxley's re-thinking of "Brave New World" in the light of Hiroshima. It's a dystopian fantasy of America post-nuclear holocaust, presented in the charming form of a screenplay. The prelude to the actual story is a sardonic scene involving two Hollywood

After reading Brave New World while still in the public schools, either in junior or senior high, I went into a Huxley phase, purchasing and reading his Brave New World Revisited, Island, The Devils, Heaven and Hell, The Doors of Perception and this one, Ape and Essence. Pulling it out of the bookshelf in my room more than once during high school, I repeatedly replaced it unread, the theatrical elements of it putting me off. Recently, however, several other Huxley nonfiction works having been

Two guys from Hollywood are talking about... stuff. One of them is the first-person narrator, the other is a guy who's gotten a mistress despite the fact that he didn't really want one, and now he's in trouble with his wife.I'm making it sound way more interesting than it actually is. I spaced out while reading some of their discussion, which was about Gandhi getting murdered and the nature of marxism and fascism and politics and whatever.In the middle of the philosophy, I shut the book and read

Take Brave New World (1931) and scroll the calendar to 1948, after World War Two and Hiroshima. Significantly, the action begins on the day that Gandhi was assassinated. The world that author Aldous Huxley gives us in Ape and Essence is slightly different.There has been a World War Three that decimated the entire population of the world, except for New Zealand, which sends an expedition to Southern California. One of the scientists, a botanist named Alfred Poole, is kidnapped by the surviving

'Ape and Essence' is not as well known as 'Brave New World', and there is good reason for that. The narrative is split between a short introduction, in which a Huxley character finds a strange movie script and learns about its author, and the script itself: a post-apocalyptic story about a group of New Zealand scientists who visit the ruins of America and discover a morally and biologically degenerated human society which worships the Devil (In their view, the Third World War, the Nuclear


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