Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Books Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1) Free Download Online

List Based On Books Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1)

Title:Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1)
Author:Indrek Hargla
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 312 pages
Published:2010 by Varrak
Categories:Mystery. Crime. Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction
Books Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1) Free Download Online
Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1) Paperback | Pages: 312 pages
Rating: 3.79 | 1155 Users | 88 Reviews

Chronicle Concering Books Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1)

Kriminaalromaan vanast Tallinnast

Esimese eesti gooti kriminaalromaani tegevus toimub Tallinnas anno domini 1409. Selle sündmustik on ajendatud vanadest Läänemere legendidest ja Tallinna ajaloost ning romaani tegelaste hulgas on karmid ordumehed ja vagad dominiiklased, tõsised raehärrad ja vooruslikud linnadaamid, lõbusad mustpead ja üllad rändmuusikud. Teiste tegelaste seas aga troonib taibukas apteeker Melchior Wakenstede, kes peab oma kohuseks lisaks linnarahvale arstimite müümise kõrval ka mõrtsukate otsimist. Nii nagu kõigil teistelgi tegelastel on ka Melchioril oma saladus, aastasadade taha ulatuv suguvõsa needus.

Present Books Conducive To Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1)

Original Title: Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus
Edition Language: Estonian URL
Series: Apteeker Melchior #1
Characters: Apteekkari Melchior
Setting: Tallinn(Estonia)

Rating Based On Books Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1)
Ratings: 3.79 From 1155 Users | 88 Reviews

Judge Based On Books Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus (Apteeker Melchior #1)

The story opens with a drunken knight stumbling towards his gruesome murder (only the barest of details are given this is not a grossout/medically-detailed crime novel). When the body is discovered, Tallinns town magistrate, Dorn, is called upon to catch the murderer quickly. He in turn asks his friend, the town apothecary, to help him investigate.And so we meet Melchior. Hes 30 years old, fairly recently married, and has spent most of his life in Tallinn, having taking over the apothecary shop

This English translation actually pissed me off, so that is the reason for the 3 out of 5 rating, although I gave the Estonian original Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus a 5 out of 5 as i very much enjoyed the characters and the plot.Mysteries in general, mediaeval settings, Estonian authors and translations from Estonian are some of my favourites. So it was especially disheartening to see this 1st English language translation of the Apothecary Melchior series of mediaeval mystery novels

I will start by saying I was lucky enough to receive a free copy from GoodReads giveaways for this book. Which sat for far too long in my TBR pile for which I apologise (too many books too little time)The thoughts are of course my own and not influenced by the fact it was a freebie.This is quite possibly the first Estonian book I have ever read. the translation is good although maybe too literal in a couple of places. I have only a passing knowledge of the Teutonic knights, Hanseatic law and

This English translation actually pissed me off, so that is the reason for the 3 out of 5 rating, although I gave the Estonian original Apteeker Melchior ja Oleviste mõistatus a 5 out of 5 as i very much enjoyed the characters and the plot.Mysteries in general, mediaeval settings, Estonian authors and translations from Estonian are some of my favourites. So it was especially disheartening to see this 1st English language translation of the Apothecary Melchior series of mediaeval mystery novels

I found this book when looking for historical fiction for Tallinn. I was going to visit the area and wanted to get a better feeling for it. Im very glad to have had this background because our tour guide didnt mention anything about the guilds! Story left a lot to be desired- especially the ending. But still glad I read it.

A German friend I went on holiday with had his face in the Apothecary Melchior series the entire time we were away. A real bore. But the saving grace was his recommendation that I find an English language copy of what he was enjoying so tediously. I had to wait a good half year for one to appear, however. So thank you to the publishers for finally picking up on what continental Europe is reading.Apothecary Melchior is as entertaining as Brother Cadfael, but with the hard-nosed prose of a Bernard


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